Current Officers
NCRS Northeast Chapter
Joe Santiso (203-980-1576)
Vice-Chairman: Rob Rohloff (203) 393-3028
Treasurer: Jesse Meeker- (203) 794-0551
Judging Co-Chairman:
JoeTansey (203) 910-9911
Judging Co-Chairman:
Mike Lombardi (203) 525-3501
Newsletter Editor: Billy Schoenberg- (914) 645-7748
Membership Chairman: Kurt Ryder (860) 302-3958
Events Chairman: Joe Covais
Webmaster and Chapter Flight Award Administrator:
Joe Santiso - (203)-980-1576
Message from the Chairman,
Dear NCRS Northeast Chapter Members,
NCRS Northeast Chapter Members,
Please be advised that our May 16 / 17, 2025 Judging Meet will be postponed to Fall 2025 due to a scheduling conflict.
Thanks go out to Gary Ramadei for hosting our Technical Session on October 19th. As always Gary gave a great presentation, shared his vast knowledge and expertise, and answered many questions from the audience.
In October we held our Chapter elections once again. Thanks to all our officers that have served the Northeast Chapter for the past term. Their contributions keep our Chapter operating solid and strong.
I am pleased to inform that all the current officers will continue in their current positions for another term except for a change in our Membership Chairman.
I would like thank Kurt Ryder who has assumed the position of Membership Chairman for the Northeast Chapter. Many of you know Kurt. Kurt is also an active member of Club Corvette of Connecticut and has recently upgraded to a C7. I am sure that Kurt will bring a lot to the Chapter in his new role. I would like to thank outgoing Membership Chairman Morgante for all his fine support during the past few years. Rich did a great job in the position.
I would also like to thank and congratulate Joe Covais who has assumed the position of Events Chairman for our Chapter. Many of you know Joe and have seen the recent article in our December newsletter about his 1978 Pace Car with only 38 original miles!
Please join me in welcoming Kurt and Joe and providing them with our support.
Our Newsletter Editor Billy Schoenberg who has been in the position for several years has indicated that he would like to relinquish the position. He will continue in the role until we find a replacement and will gladly support a transition to the new Newsletter Editor. If you are interested in assuming the position or know of someone, please contact me and we can work together with Billy to transition his newsletter template.
Please join me in thanking all our Chapter Officers for their efforts in supporting our Chapter and allowing us host all of our events.
Also, membership dues continue to remain at $25.00 for 2025. If you have not done so already, please remember to renew on-line via the NCRS National website or by mail using the form available in the newsletter or on our Chapter website A $10.00 late is assessed after February 28th.
If you have any ideas or recommendations for events, or would like to host an event, please bring your ideas forward to our Chapter officers. Our contact information can be found on our website
Best wished for a great new year!
Best regards,
Joe Santiso III
NCRS Northeast Chapter Chairman